Supervisors required certain abilities for each call ID including the ability to leave comments, see relevant scores for specific survey questions, and other general data.

  • Situation
    • Consulted to help design a web-based UI for SRP internal call center agents and supervisors to help evaluate agents.
  • Main Tasks and Goals
    • Update screens from an older system and ensure all work adhered to SRP’s branding
    • Provide efficient flows for various user types (ie developers, marketing employees, testers, etc)
    • Make sure mockups provided to developers were clear in direction
    • Present mockups at meetings with team and clearly state design decisions, etc
  • Solution
    • Webform provided ability to quickly copy data that would be useful to end users across multiple internal applications (ie phone numbers, etc)
    • Provide better affordances to data elements that were more important to supervisors when reviewing calls (ie the rating for Questions 4 and 5 within the caller survey)
    • Allowed the search results to be filtered, providing supervisors a more efficient way to search for surveys for a specific call center agent